ANDTAX의 뉴스 / / 2024. 8. 8. 16:22

Law Firm Fires Female Lawyer After Maternity Leave



Hello everyone! Today, we are discussing a shocking case where a female lawyer was unfairly dismissed after returning from maternity leave. This incident has drawn significant attention, and we'll explore how the court ruled on this case.

Case Overview

On August 7, 2024, the Seoul High Court ruled in favor of lawyer B, who was fired by Law Firm A just ten days before returning from maternity leave and parental leave. B had submitted her maternity leave and parental leave plans but was abruptly notified of her dismissal.

Law Firm's Argument

Law Firm A claimed that it was an old industry practice to terminate employment when female lawyers gave birth. However, the court rejected this argument. According to the firm, other female lawyers also resigned upon childbirth, but the court found B's case to be different.

Court Ruling

Both the Seoul Labor Relations Commission and the Seoul High Court sided with B. The court found no evidence of such a practice in the legal industry and noted that even if it existed, it would be an unfair burden leading to career disruption and job insecurity for female lawyers. Furthermore, the court ruled that dismissing B during her maternity leave, without proper notice and reason, was a violation of labor laws and gender equality laws.


This case highlights the need for a stable environment where female lawyers can return to work after maternity and parental leave. We hope this ruling plays a significant role in protecting the rights of female workers.

What are your thoughts on this matter? Feel free to share your opinions in the comments!


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