ANDTAX의 국제조세 / / 2022. 12. 25. 21:45

BEPS Action 3


BEPS Action 3, "Designing Effective Controlled Foreign Company Rules," is a measure developed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to address base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) by multinational enterprises (MNEs). BEPS refers to the tax planning strategies used by MNEs to minimize their global tax burden by exploiting gaps and mismatches in the tax rules of different countries. One such strategy is the use of controlled foreign companies (CFCs), which are foreign subsidiaries of a parent company that are subject to little or no tax in their jurisdiction of incorporation. MNEs can use CFCs to shift profits out of high-tax countries, where the parent company is based, to low-tax jurisdictions where the CFC is located, through the use of intragroup transactions such as the transfer of intangible assets or the provision of loans.

BEPS Action 3 aims to prevent this profit shifting by establishing rules that allow countries to tax the profits of CFCs that are derived from their domestic market or that have been artificially shifted to the CFC. These rules are designed to be neutral in their application, so as not to discriminate against foreign-owned companies or to create a disincentive for MNEs to invest in a particular country. The ultimate goal of BEPS Action 3 is to ensure that MNEs pay their fair share of tax in the countries where they do business, rather than shifting profits to low-tax jurisdictions.

There are several key elements to the BEPS Action 3 recommendations. One of these is the adoption of a clear and consistent definition of a CFC, based on the level of control exercised by the parent company over the CFC. This definition should apply to a broad range of entities, including those that are not traditional subsidiaries, such as partnerships and trusts. By adopting a clear definition of a CFC, countries can ensure that the rules apply to a wide range of situations and cannot be easily circumvented by MNEs.

Another key element of BEPS Action 3 is the adoption of a "substance over form" approach to the taxation of CFCs. This means that the tax treatment of a CFC should be based on the economic substance of its activities, rather than its legal form. By adopting this approach, countries can prevent MNEs from exploiting legal loopholes to avoid tax.

A third element of BEPS Action 3 is the adoption of a minimum level of taxation for CFCs. This will ensure that they cannot be used to shift profits to jurisdictions with extremely low tax rates. By setting a minimum level of taxation, countries can prevent MNEs from exploiting differences in tax rates between jurisdictions to artificially reduce their global tax burden.

In addition to these measures, BEPS Action 3 recommends the adoption of exemptions and reductions for CFCs that are engaged in genuine business activities, in order to avoid the double taxation of profits. This will ensure that CFCs that are genuinely conducting business in a particular jurisdiction are not unduly penalized by the new rules.

Finally, BEPS Action 3 recommends the adoption of measures to facilitate the exchange of information between tax authorities. This will help to ensure that MNEs are properly taxed on their global profits, as tax authorities will be able to access the necessary information to accurately assess the tax liability of MNEs.

In conclusion, BEPS Action 3 is an important measure in the fight against base erosion and profit shifting by MNEs. By establishing rules that allow countries to tax the profits of CFCs that are derived from their domestic market or that have been artificially shifted to the CFC, it aims to ensure that MNEs pay their fair share of tax in the countries where they do


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