ANDTAX의 국제조세 / / 2022. 12. 24. 15:22

BEPS Action 2


The Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Action 2 aims to address the issue of base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) through the development of a multilateral instrument (MLI) that modifies bilateral tax treaties. The MLI aims to close loopholes and prevent tax avoidance by multinational enterprises (MNEs) through the use of cross-border transactions and tax planning strategies.

BEPS Action 2 is one of the 15 actions outlined in the BEPS Action Plan, which was developed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the G20 in 2013 in response to concerns about the negative impact of BEPS on the global economy. The Action Plan aims to address BEPS by adopting new international standards for tax transparency, transfer pricing, and the treatment of digital economy.

The BEPS Action 2 MLI was developed through a multilateral negotiation process involving over 100 countries. It includes provisions that modify existing bilateral tax treaties to address BEPS through the use of minimum standards and optional provisions. The minimum standards include measures to prevent treaty abuse, such as the principal purpose test (PPT), which requires that the main purpose of a transaction or arrangement must not be to obtain the benefits of the tax treaty. The optional provisions include measures to improve the resolution of treaty disputes, such as the mutual agreement procedure (MAP), which allows taxpayers to resolve disputes with tax authorities through an arbitration process.

The BEPS Action 2 MLI has been widely adopted by countries around the world and has had a significant impact on the way MNEs do business. By closing loopholes and preventing tax avoidance, the MLI has helped to level the playing field for businesses and has contributed to the overall fairness and integrity of the international tax system.

However, the BEPS Action 2 MLI has also faced criticism from some quarters. Some argue that the minimum standards are too prescriptive and could lead to increased litigation, while others have raised concerns about the potential impact on the competitiveness of MNEs.

Despite these criticisms, the BEPS Action 2 MLI remains a key component of the international tax system and has made significant progress in addressing the issue of BEPS. As more and more countries adopt the MLI, it is likely that its impact on the global economy will continue to grow.

Overall, the BEPS Action 2 MLI has been an important step forward in the global efforts to address BEPS and to ensure the fair and effective functioning of the international tax system. While it is not a perfect solution, it has had a significant impact on the way MNEs operate and has contributed to the overall fairness and integrity of the international tax system. As the world economy continues to evolve and MNEs continue to play an increasingly important role in global trade, it will be important for the international community to continue to work together to address the challenges posed by BEPS and to ensure the continued effectiveness of the international tax system.


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